Sunday, April 19, 2009

Flavia Fusion Drink System Great For Single Coffee Lovers

The Flavia Fusion Drink System is a convenient, low-maintenance hot drink machine that makes coffee, tea, and hot chocolate with optional toppings at the touch of a button. I was skeptical when I first tried the Drink Master, because I was afraid that the coffee wouldn't taste as good as regularly brewed coffee, but I was wrong.

I initially bought the Flavia Fusion Coffee Maker because I wanted a coffee machine that wouldn't create a fire hazard if I accidentally left it turned on. My old drip-model coffee machines usually lasted a couple of months before the carafe became permanently scorched from forgetting to turn off the coffee pot burner. Also, my rushed attempts at making coffee in the morning oftentimes resulted in spilled coffee grounds on the floor.

The Flavia Fusion Drink Station provided me with a great solution to all of my coffee making problems. All one has to do to make coffee in the morning is fill a reservoir with water, slide one of the tiny single-serve brew packs into the machine, place a coffee cup of any size under the machine, and press a button. The machine will also shut off automatically if you forget to leave it on. With the convenient single-serve brew packs, you don't have to worry about measuring out the correct amount of coffee for one cup or worry about making your brew too weak or too strong. There are settings to indicate how big of a cup you'll be using and how concentrated you prefer your brew. There are also different brew settings for hot chocolate, coffee, tea, and toppings.

Speaking of toppings, my favorite thing about the Flavia Fusion Drink Station is the fact that you can add creamy toppings to your drinks such as "Mars Swirls," and "Milky Way Swirls." The machine is virtually maintenance free. All that is required for maintenance is to occasionally rinse out the water reservoir and wipe the machine with a damp cloth.

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